How To Build A Better Team At Work
There is no one guide that can essentially help an organization build an effective team
in the workplace. The question, “how to build a better team at work?” remains
dependent on the current situation of each one. It is important to learn about the
essential components of an effective team as well as the conflicts that may arise and
obstruct team solidarity. In this article, we take a look at both to fully understand how to
reform team members into a better, reliable, and effective team.
Essential Components of Effective Teams
Before you start searching for ways to increase the overall performance of your
organization, you must first learn how to build a better team at work. If teams within
your organization are performing with excellence, then the productivity rate will naturally
inflate as well. Here are some of the essential components that must be considered to
build an effective team.
- SMART Goals
Most teams today are building roadmaps comprised of small, measurable goals to meet
deadlines. Despite the feasibility of the strategy, creating SMART goals sets a well
defined and clear purpose for each member of the team.
SMART stands for specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely. The goals
must be detailed as well as measurable. This is so targeted deadlines or quotas are
achieved. Take note that the team must create realistic strategies to produce positive or
favorable results.
- Strong Sense of Purpose
Any team that cares for the welfare of each member will not only work for the income.
Effective management must teach each team member to have their own personal goals
aligned with the purpose and mission of the organization.
Take note, to create an effective team, you must teach each member the right values
first. Be able to differentiate between an employee who counts his working hours and
one who is on a mission to fulfill the purpose of the organization.
- Sufficient Resources
Of course, a team will not be effective if it has no access to tools, information, and
contacts. Without it, they will be unable to perform their jobs in the best and most
outstanding way possible. You will notice that those who are given sufficient resources
can resolve an issue in a matter of hours. Take note of how they are able to find
solutions to issues that otherwise could not be solved quickly.
- Effective Communication
With the advancement of technology, there are plenty of ways for team members to
communicate with each other. Some larger organizations rely on private inbound team
management software while others opt for online communication platforms like
Teamstrr. However, establishing a connection on a personal level is as important as
strong communication via software or online platforms. Trust, goodwill, compassion,
and oneness are developed within a team over time through activities in and out of the
- Sense of Accountability
Accountability or individual responsibility refers to team members owning the
consequences of their actions despite the positive or negative results of it. If there are
mistakes that have been committed, proven or not, excuses should not be made.
Instead, solutions should be proposed to resolve the issue. Take note, a solution-
oriented employee is inclined to take responsibility for his own or his team’s actions.
- Proactivity
The leaders of a team are the ones usually required to come up with ideas, strategies,
and ways of implementation. However, it is better to have the entire team join the
discussions. A team with proactive members is deemed more productive compared to a
team with only a few members participating in brainstorming.
Workplace Conflicts and Ways To Solve Them
Aside from learning about the essential components of an effective team, it is also
necessary to fully grasp the possible conflicts that may arise in the workplace. By
gaining knowledge of the kinds of workplace conflict, you will be able to handle the
issue before it escalates to unmanageable heights. So, how to build a better team at
work? Quite simply, learn one of the greatest influencing factors that affect any team:
workplace conflicts.
- Conflicts Related to Tasks
Most tasks in the workplace are dependent on another task. Which is why coordination
and alignment are necessary at the beginning of a project. More often than not, the
team members that work on the first process are the ones with the most lenient time.
This is compared to the last person whose deadline is the most critical. The solution to
this is to delegate tasks effectively. Effective management must be able to select the
right team members to make the most dynamic group.
- Individual Workstyles
As much as there are different styles of leadership, there are also varied kinds of work
styles. While some individuals prefer to work alone, others work best within a group.
Conversely, there are workers who do not require extra directions to complete a task
while there are others who might need directions every step of the way. With this,
mutual respect and understanding must be applied to these kinds of issues. Not
everyone can work under pressure and there are only a few who are able to accomplish
their daily tasks earlier than the others.
- Harassment and Discrimination
As a manager, you must always lead by example. Are you noticing any form of
harassment and discrimination in the office due to gender, age, and skill set? Then you
need to put explicit emphasis on open-mindedness, acceptance, and respect. Your
employees are a reflection of your company. Your management must be careful of the
way you run the organization to maintain a good reputation.
Employ Effective Communication Tools Like Teamstrr As An Anchor To Create A
Better And Well-established Team!
If there is one essential component of an effective team that can go missing, it is
definitely not communication. The conflicts inevitable to arise within a team can be
resolved through effective communication. As a manager, you must have close
connections with your employees to ensure alignment in goals, missions, and purposes.
Find strategies in building a better team at work and how to establish solidarity through
communication tools like Teamstrr. Click here to learn more about it!